Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Discussion On Renzullis Three-ring Conception Of Giftedness To The

Discussion On Renzullis Three-ring Conception Of Giftedness To The Discussion On Renzullis Three Discussion on Renzulli’s three-ring conception of giftedness to the Marland According to Marland, talented and gifted kids have the potential of high achievement. The children require special education programs and services to realize the hidden potential. High performance children are those with potential ability and demonstrated achievement in different areas like general intellectual ability, psychomotor ability, leadership ability, visual and performing arts, specific academic ability and creative thinking (Jones well-above-average ability and performance that comprise of either universal intellectual ability. While specific talents, are seen in areas such as social behavior, academics, and arts. Creativity and leadership work together, the only difference is, the area they are performed. Renzulli observed that task commitment as a gift as observed when students realize their goals for learning, normally in a group or as an individual. Task commitment should be included i n the execution activities of the gifted. It motivate the person to work hard and set the targets. The technique also allows for saving of time and improvement in work. Task commitment initiates through allocation of specific duty to specific time of completion and person.Gifted children should be involved in community’s affairs. The issues in the community not only acquaint one with the general community perspective, but help them recognize and utilize their intelligence. The gifted are then capable to provide solutions to the problems being faced and in the process increase their knowledge.Concept of giftedness considers intellectual abilities, creativity, the personal disposition, motivation, attitudes, artistic talents, and the social leadership, ReferencesJones E. & southern T. (2007) Academically Gifted and talented. Upper River Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hal